Mowilex Perusahaan Cat Pertama Peraih Sertifikasi Carbon Neutral Global

Mowilex Perusahaan Cat Pertama Peraih Sertifikasi Karbon Netral dari SCS Global Services. SCS Global Services yang berpusat di California, Amerika Serikat, adalah badan sertifikasi internasional yang melakukan evaluasi pihak ketiga dari perhitungan emisi Mowilex yang mencakup semua lokasi dan operasinya.

Ini bisa menjadi inspirasi dari berbagai perusahaan di Indonesia yang ingin membangun komitmen kelestarian lingkungan. PT Mowilex Indonesia (Mowilex) mengumumkan inisiatif keberlanjutan utamanya yang dilakukan dengan bantuan perusahaan induknya di Singapura, Asia Coatings Enterprises Pte. Ltd (ACE).

Program tersebut berfokus pada pengurangan emisi karbon, pengurangan plastik, dan konservasi laut. Upaya tersebut dilakukan mengingat Indonesia adalah salah satu penyumbang plastik teratas yang mempengaruhi kehidupan laut serta merupakan penghasil emisi CO2 terbesar ke-15.

Kepada sejumlah media di Jakarta, Rabu (30/10/2019), Mowilex mengumumkan sertifikasi karbon netral yang diterimanya dari SCS Global Services. Penyerahan sertifikat dilangsungkan dalam konferensi pers yang dirangkai dengan talkshow mengenai Carbon Neutral pabrik di Jakarta yang turut dihadiri perwakilan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Indonesia, Layanan Global SCS, International Conservation, dan Jaringan Pakar Perubahan Iklim Kehutanan Indonesia (APIKI).

Mowilex mengklaim menjadi perusahaan manufaktur pertama di Indonesia, dan satu-satunya produsen cat di tanah air yang memiliki sertifikasi tersebut. SCS Global Services yang berpusat di California, Amerika Serikat, adalah badan sertifikasi internasional yang melakukan evaluasi pihak ketiga dari perhitungan emisi yang mencakup semua lokasi dan operasinya.

Mowilex mengimbangi jejak karbonnya setelah Carbon Neutral Protocol yang dikembangkan Natural Capital Partners, pemimpin global yang memelopori proses sertifikasi dan mulai mengembangkan protokol ini pada tahun 2002. “Menjadi karbon netral adalah proses yang mahal dan ini akan memaksa kami untuk menjadi lebih hemat energi, ” kata Niko Safavi, CEO, dalam konferensi pers itu.

Mowilex juga telah berkomitmen mengurangi bahan kemasan plastik baru sebesar 80 persen dalam kurun waktu 8 tahun. Untuk mencapai hal itu perusahaan akan kembali menggunakan kaleng timah yang dapat didaur ulang, sumber plastik dengan konten daur ulang, dan bekerja dengan pemasok dan perusahaan pengelolaan limbah untuk mengeksplorasi alternatif pengemasan dan pengumpulan limbah sampah. (


Official Press Release:

At a press conference held in the company’s head office Today paint manufacturer PT Mowilex Indonesia (Mowilex) announced major sustainability initiatives it is undertaking with the help of its Singapore-based parent company, Asia Coatings Enterprises, Pte. Ltd. (ACE). The company’s sustainability initiative focuses on: carbon emission reduction, reduction in plastics, and marine conservation.

Last week, Mowilex announced that it had become Indonesia’s first manufacturing company, and the only paint manufacturer in the country to be certified carbon neutral. SCS Global Services, an internationally recognized certification body, conducted the third-party evaluation of Mowilex’s emissions calculations, covering all their locations and operations.

Mowilex offset its carbon footprint following The CarbonNeutral Protocol developed by Natural Capital Partners, a global leader who pioneered the certification process and began developing the protocol in 2002.

The company has also pledged to reduce its new plastic packaging materials by 80% within 8 years. To achieve this, the company will look to bring back recyclable tin cans, source plastics with recycled content and work with suppliers and waste-management companies to explore packaging alternatives and collections.

“There are many limitations placed on Indonesian entities who want to support international NGOs, so we helped them achieve their marine conservation goals,” said Imelda Sasmito, Managing Director of ACE. On behalf of Mowilex, ACE has pre-funded a Conservation International program that will continue to protect Saleh Bay, a 1,500 square kilometer area in Sumbawa, Indonesia for the next 5 years. The program will maintain and protect a globally important habitat for the endangered whale shark and supports local communities to develop sustainable eco-tourism.

Mowilex’s press conference was attended by Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government’s Bina Marga Office, SCS Global Service, Conservation International and the Indonesian Forestry Climate Change Expert Network (APIKI).

“Mowilex has passed an important milestone in a country where customers are looking for leadership and corporate responsibility,” said Nicole Munoz Managing Director, Environmental Certification Services at SCS Global Services.

“Being an industry leader means more than just bringing high quality paints and coatings to our customers, but also being responsible for the carbon emissions generated from our operations,” said Niko Safavi, CEO of Mowilex. “We are making sustainability a core value and hope to inspire other firms that have not yet committed significant resources to address climate change goals set by the Indonesian government,” he added. “To become carbon neutral is an expensive process and this will force us to become more energy efficient.”

“These initiatives are quite well-connected in our view,” said Tania Ariningtyas, Mowilex’s Environmental Affairs Manager. “Indonesia is one of the top plastic polluters, affecting marine life. It is also a top 15 emitter of CO2. Our initiatives tackle all three, but our efforts alone are not enough,” she continued.

Arningtyas added “we also stopped buying bottled water and instead invested in filtration systems, eliminating over 12,000 five-gallon sized bottles so far.”

“What we would like to see is other companies, both domestic and international, commit more resources to protecting Indonesia’s environment and combat global climate change. The long-term impact for us is loss of markets –a real business risk– not to mention it is a matter of great concern for many of our customers, especially the younger ones,” said Niko Safavi. “Because Indonesia offers the world massive carbon capture with its forests and peatlands any climate change effort globally need to address Indonesia’s challenges.”